Multilingual Reviews

LexSensis is a specialist provider of multilingual document review lawyers, with an extensive Europe-wide network of: 

  • Qualified bar-registered lawyers and paralegals
  • Project managers and team leads
  • Technical analysts
  • Quality check specialists
  • Translators in any language 


As Europe increasingly embraces new technologies and responds to legal concerns about data privacy, eDiscovery is being used more widely, but the talent pool of legal experts for document review remains relatively small in some countries.

The number of languages, jurisdictions and market-specific particularities involved means that multilingual reviews require particular expertise. We offer lawyers and other specialists with both the linguistic and the technical expertise our clients need.

Our extensive network and reach gives us unparalleled access to local talent across the continent. Our reviewers are native and fluent speakers of all major European and non-European languages (including Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, and Arabic) as well as many less widely spoken ones.


LexSensis can set up the review on your premises, remotely or host your project anywhere in Europe, according to your specifications.

Whether you require a specific language, or a combination of languages, LexSensis can assemble a team and deploy it to any location in Europe within a matter of days.